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发布时间:2019-01-04 13:36
【摘要】:收养作为亲属法制度之一,受一国国内政治、经济、文化、宗教信仰甚至历史传统等多方面的影响和制约程度较深,导致世界各国对收养的法律规定大相径庭。近年来,随着跨国收养案逐年增加,该领域的法律冲突愈加明显。如何解决涉外收养法律冲突,值得国际私法学者研究。作为传统的送养大国,我国的《收养法》、《外国人在中华人民共和国收养子女登记办法》、《涉外民事关系法律适用法》均涉及涉外收养的法律适用问题,且我国已加入《跨国收养方面保护儿童及合作公约》,力求实现跨国收养的国际合作与协助。然而,我国的涉外收养法律适用仍有一些问题需要探究,相关法律规范仍需完善。 第一部分对我国涉外收养法律适用规范的发展过程进行阐述,对我国现行涉外收养法律适用规范进行解读,并着力分析《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第28条存在的缺陷与不足,包括“经常居所地”的立法规定不够完善、涉外收养成立的形式要件不适合重叠适用冲突规范、涉外收养解除的冲突规范不利于切实保护被收养儿童利益等。第二部分通过涉外收养法律适用制度的比较研究,深入了解国际上不同国家立法及相关国际公约在解决国际收养法律冲突时两种不同的处理方式,即以管辖权为主导的处理方式与以“分割论”为原则的处理方式,剖析不同处理方式中连结点选择的差异,最后通过比较研究选择适合我国的立法模式。第三部分结合国外立法对我国涉外收养立法取向的启示,针对我国涉外收养法律适用规范存在的问题,提出合理性建议。在对“经常居所地”进行细化规定的基础上,区分涉外收养成立的实质要件与形式要件的冲突规范,并将“儿童利益原则”引入涉外收养解除的冲突规范之中,以尽量避免和消除我国在涉外收养方面与其他国家存在的法律冲突,更好地保护被收养儿童的切身利益。
[Abstract]:As one of the relative law systems, adoption is deeply influenced and restricted by a country's domestic politics, economy, culture, religious belief and even historical tradition. In recent years, with the increase of intercountry adoption cases, the conflict of laws in this field becomes more and more obvious. How to solve the conflict of foreign adoption law is worth studying by private international law scholars. As a traditional large country, the Adoption Law of our country, the Registration method of Foreign-adopted Children in the people's Republic of China, and the Law applicable to Foreign-related Civil Relations all involve the legal application of foreign adoptions. China has acceded to the Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Intercountry Adoption, striving to achieve international cooperation and assistance in intercountry adoption. However, there are still some problems in the application of foreign adoption law in China, and relevant legal norms still need to be improved. In the first part, the author expounds the development process of the applicable norms of the foreign adoption law in China, interprets the current applicable norms of the foreign adoption law in China, and analyzes the defects and shortcomings of Article 28 of the Law on the Application of Law on Foreign-related Civil Relations. Including the legislation of "place of habitual residence" is not perfect, the formal elements of the establishment of foreign adoptions are not suitable for the overlapping application of conflict norms, and the conflict norms of cancellation of foreign adoptions are not conducive to the effective protection of the interests of adopted children, and so on. The second part, through the comparative study of the applicable system of the foreign adoption law, deeply understands the two different ways of dealing with the conflict of international adoption laws in different countries' legislations and related international conventions. That is, the way of dealing with jurisdiction as the leading principle and the way of dealing with the principle of "division theory", analyzes the differences of the choice of connecting points in different treatment methods, and finally chooses the legislative model suitable for our country through the comparative study. The third part, combined with the enlightenment of foreign legislation to the orientation of foreign adoption legislation, puts forward some reasonable suggestions for the problems existing in the applicable norms of foreign adoption law in our country. On the basis of the detailed stipulation of "place of habitual residence", this paper distinguishes the conflict norms between the essential and formal elements of the establishment of foreign adoptions, and introduces the principle of the interests of the Child into the conflict norms of the termination of foreign adoptions. In order to avoid and eliminate the legal conflict between our country and other countries in the aspect of foreign adoption, we can better protect the vital interests of adopted children.


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