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the labor contract 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-29 08:48









the labor contract

  • 劳动合同(56)

         On Some Problems about the Term in the Labor Contract



         The existing problems focus in the legal responsibility in the forms, the validity, the bail, the collective contract and the violation of the labor contract.



         Historical Review of the Labor Contract System in Zhejiang Province



         On the Mode of Assumptions and Applied Conditions for the Liabilities of Brenching the Labor Contract



         The conflict happens before signing the labor contract, performing the labor contract, reliefing or terminating the labor contract and in the fact labor contract.








         The《Labor Contract Law》should make checks two junctures of concluding and terminating the labor contract



         On the Function of Protecting Labor Rights of the Labor Contract Act of China



         The Labor Contract Act should be Inclined to Laborers



         At present, the three systems (the staff member system of management personnel, the appointment system of teachers and auxiliary teaching staff members and the labor contract system) being tried in some colleges and universities have in some way activated the personnel system and properly allocated the personnel resources.





         On the right of labor



         Forced Labor



         Abnormal Labor



         The Cost of Labor



         On The Invalid Labor Contract



    查询“the labor contract”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      the labor contract

    Competition among firms implies a constraint on the utility level associated to the labor contract.


    The second half of this paper explores two institutions, the labor contract system and the official trade union organization, to show how labor relations have shifted dramatically toward flexibility, insecurity, and managerial control.


    With regard to the labor contract issue, close to 30% of the respondents were neutral on the topic.


    In summary, the labor contract benefits of the RIDOT contract are more favorable in terms of the employee.


    In fact 24% of the respondents said the labor contract was not very important when considering an innovation.



    Through a review of the reform of the employment system carried out by the No. 3 Drilling Team under the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Henan Province since 1983 and its trial implementation of the labor contract system, the author deems although successes have been achieved in this field, experiment of the new contract system does not appear to be wholly satisfactory as expected, for among the employees under contract, some actually secure fixed jobs, in additions to some other...

    Through a review of the reform of the employment system carried out by the No. 3 Drilling Team under the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Henan Province since 1983 and its trial implementation of the labor contract system, the author deems although successes have been achieved in this field, experiment of the new contract system does not appear to be wholly satisfactory as expected, for among the employees under contract, some actually secure fixed jobs, in additions to some other Problems. The causes of the occurrence of the problems are Probed and ways to improve management Of the labor contract system are discussed.


    Abstract This article will use a case analysis to discuss the status of management of human resources of Chinese-Foreign joint ventures in Shanghai and to make a comparison between the said status in Shanghai and that in Beijing, and will mainly deal with the labor contract, pay, subsidy, social security, trade union and personnel policy, with the materials wehave gathered from our visits to some state- owned enterprises as background. We will briefly touch upon the state-owned enterprises'...

    Abstract This article will use a case analysis to discuss the status of management of human resources of Chinese-Foreign joint ventures in Shanghai and to make a comparison between the said status in Shanghai and that in Beijing, and will mainly deal with the labor contract, pay, subsidy, social security, trade union and personnel policy, with the materials wehave gathered from our visits to some state- owned enterprises as background. We will briefly touch upon the state-owned enterprises' personnel management — the“ iron- rice- bowl ”management (IRBM) under which peoplegain permanent income and never lose their jobs whether they work or not and whether they work hard or not. Next, based on this discussion, two questions will be posed:“ How different is the human resources management inChinese-Foreign joint ventures from our traditional management in this field? How much does the influence of theIRBM remain after the participation of foreign capital in our enterprises?”What follows is our comprehensive study of the variance at present between the joint ventures and the state-owned enterprises in personnel resources management.Our conclusion is that although the participation of foreign investment in our enterprises has more or less changed our traditional system, the range of change is quite different in different enterprises; and in whatever typeof enterprises, the IRBT still exists both in system and organizationally. At the end of this article, we will formulate a method of classification, based on how much reform has been carried into effect in an enterprise and how much Western- style management has been adopted. With this method, the enterprises are grouped into four categories: (1)typical IRBM; (2)mixed management dominated by the traditional method; (3) mixed management dominated by the Western method; (4)relatively fully Westernized management. With this method of classification of enterprises, it can be found that the system being adopted in the state-owned enterprises, generally speaking, may not be quite out of date and that joint ventures may not necessarily adopt more Western systems.


    With the deepening of employment reform and the implementation of the labor contract system, the disputes between the labor force and the management take in a delicate and versatile characteristic. The deregulation of the labor contract leads to an increase of deception and default. The existing problems focus in the legal responsibility in the forms, the validity, the bail, the collective contract and the violation of the labor contract. Therefore, an amendment and perfection of...

    With the deepening of employment reform and the implementation of the labor contract system, the disputes between the labor force and the management take in a delicate and versatile characteristic. The deregulation of the labor contract leads to an increase of deception and default. The existing problems focus in the legal responsibility in the forms, the validity, the bail, the collective contract and the violation of the labor contract. Therefore, an amendment and perfection of the labor contract legislation will be indispensable in order to establish a stable and harmonious labor relation.

    随着企业劳动用工制度改革的不断深化和劳动合同制度的全面实行 ,用人单位和劳动者之间因劳动合同引发的劳动争议日渐呈现出复杂性和多样性 ,由于劳动合同行为不规范导致的欺诈、侵权等劳动纠纷逐渐增多。劳动合同形式、劳动合同期限、劳动合同保证金、集体劳动合同和违反劳动合同的法律责任等方面的问题比较集中。为建立和促进稳定和谐的劳动关系 ,必须修订和完善相关的劳动合同立法


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