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发布时间:2019-08-13 17:52
[Abstract]:The death penalty in the current criminal law of China is not a complete sense of "deprivation of life", but a collection of concepts, which needs to be understood concretely in different provisions and norms. In this kind of "death penalty" standard system, the application of death penalty in China should follow the corresponding mechanism of diversion in and out, so as to systematically control the judicial application of death penalty and realize the balance between crime and punishment. Based on the consensus on the objective of strictly restricting the application of the death penalty, the words "extremely serious crimes" and "must be carried out immediately" in article 48, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code should be the normative basis for restricting the death penalty in a broad sense and the immediate execution of the death penalty, respectively. " In the interpretation of "crime is extremely serious", it should be emphasized that "crime" is the expression of guilt in the sub-clause, which does not contain personal dangerousness factors, and "extremely serious" must be clearly distinguished; the interpretation of "must be carried out immediately" should be carried out around the personal dangerousness factor, mainly through the circumstances before and after the crime to assess the possibility of recidivism of the perpetrator.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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