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发布时间:2018-07-24 11:30
【摘要】:2011年,我国的红十字会由于受到“郭美美炫富事件”的冲击,社会捐赠额大幅度减少,公信力受到严重挑战,各项人道救助工作阻力重重。社会及公众的质疑主要集中在我国的红十字会的行政化身份以及捐赠资金的使用不透明等问题。因此,对这一实际问题形成的原因进行研究并提出改革意见,对于社会管理和社会治理具有现实意义。 在我国的红十字会的法人治理结构中,本应由会员代表(利益相关者代表)选举产生的理事会的权力已经弱化、部分功能已经缺失,而执委会(工作机构)成为真正的权力机构,这是由于我国的红十字会的行政化所造成的。行政化还造成了我国的红十字会官本位思想严重、工作执行流程复杂、脱离社会大众尤其是脱离会员(利益相关者)等弊端。本文通过梳理国内外关于红十字会及法人治理结构方面的文献,运用第三部门与政府关系理论和法人治理结构相关理论,以上海市红十字会为个案,讨论该会的兴起、组织结构、与政府的关系、法人治理现状及产生的问题和弊端,就行政化和社会化、监事会缺失以及监事会监督效果等问题比较了国外红十字会法人治理结构及运作方式,得出了行政化是直接导致红十字会发生公信力下降,不能取信于民等问题的最大弊端的结论,,并就此对我国的红十字会的改革特别是法人治理结构上的改革提出了针对性的意见和建议。 我国的红十字会要真正的扭转公信力下降、社会公众不信任这一局面,去行政化势在必行,使红十字会回归社会组织本身特性,通过会员(利益相关者)的自治选举,产生值得信任的真正握有权力的理事会。同时,去行政化后的理事会选举产生监事会,从而形成有效的内部监督体系,它是利益相关者的互相牵制的监督体系。不断加强宣传,特别是在公开透明方面的宣传,将资金的使用等完全公开,才能真正取信于民。但是,在我国当前的国情下,完全去行政化对红十字会在资金方面的影响较大,不利于红十字会的自身发展和人道工作的持续开展。因此,逐步去行政化并在合适的时间完全去行政化,将权力回归于理事会是现今比较稳妥的改革方向。
[Abstract]:In 2011, the Red Cross Society of our country was hit by the event of "Guo Meimei's display of wealth", the amount of social donations was greatly reduced, the credibility of the Red Cross Society was seriously challenged, and all kinds of humanitarian relief work were hindered. Social and public doubts mainly focus on the administrative identity of the Red Cross and the opaque use of donated funds. Therefore, it is of practical significance for social management and social governance to study the causes of this practical problem and put forward reform suggestions. In the corporate governance structure of our country's Red Cross, the power of the council, which should be elected by the member representatives (stakeholder representatives), has been weakened, and some functions have been missing. The Executive Committee (working body) becomes the real authority, which is caused by the administration of the Red Cross in our country. The administration also causes the red cross official standard thought to be serious, the work execution process is complicated, deviates from the social public, especially from the member (the stakeholder) and so on. Through combing the literature of Red Cross and corporate governance structure at home and abroad, using the theory of the relationship between the third sector and the government and the theory of corporate governance structure, taking the Shanghai Red Cross Society as an example, this paper discusses the rise of the Society. The organizational structure, the relationship with the government, the current situation of corporate governance and the problems and drawbacks arising therefrom are compared in terms of the administration and socialization, the absence of the board of supervisors and the supervisory effect of the board of supervisors. Reached the conclusion that the administration is the biggest malpractice of the Red Cross, which directly leads to the decline of the credibility of the Red Cross and cannot be trusted by the people. In this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions on the reform of Red Cross, especially on the reform of corporate governance structure. If the Red Cross of our country wants to truly reverse the decline in credibility and the public distrust of this situation, it is imperative to deadministrate, so that the Red Cross will return to its own characteristics of the social organization and be elected through the autonomous election of its members (stakeholders). To produce a truly powerful council that is trustworthy. At the same time, the board of supervisors is elected to form an effective internal supervision system. Increasing publicity, especially in transparency, the use of funds and other completely open, in order to truly win the trust of the people. However, under the current situation of our country, the complete deconcentration has a great influence on the Red Cross's funds, which is not conducive to the Red Cross's own development and the continuous development of humanitarian work. Therefore, to gradually deadministrate and completely deadministrate at the appropriate time, and to return power to the Council is now a more prudent direction of reform.


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