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发布时间:2023-02-09 07:57

【文章页数】:99 页

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Research Background and significance
        1.1.1 Research Background
        1.1.2 Research significance
    1.2 Research Methodology and Content
        1.2.1 Research Methodology
        1.2.2 Research content
    1.3 Literature review and related theories
        1.3.1 Research on the current situation of new media development
        1.3.2 Research on content marketing
        1.3.3 Related theories
Chapter Ⅱ Beauty brands Current situation under new media
    2.1 Domestic beauty brands current market situation
        2.1.1 Chinese local makeup brands are rising
        2.1.2 Domestic beauty brands current development situation
        2.1.3 Domestic beauty brands rise Reasons
    2.2 Beauty brands social media marketing overview
        2.2.1 Beauty brands social media marketing popularity
        2.2.2 KOL promotion in social media marketing
        2.2.3 Social media main promotion forms
    2.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter Ⅲ A Company beauty brand introduction
    3.1 Beauty Brand profile
    3.2 A Company beauty brand current content marketing situation
        3.2.1 Current content marketing situation of social media
        3.2.2 Current content marketing situation of A Company beauty brand
        3.2.3 Current content marketing situation of brand cross-border
    3.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter Ⅳ Research on content marketing problems and causes for A Company beauty brand
    4.1 A Company beauty brand content marketing problems
        4.1.1 Content form is single, contrary to the interesting principle
        4.1.2 Lack emotional interest communication,contrary interest principle
        4.1.3 Insufficient interaction between brands and users,contrary interaction principle
        4.1.4 Not satisfied user's personalized needs,contrary individualityprinciple
    4.2 Research on the causes of the content marketing problems for A Company beauty brand
        4.2.1 Brands rely too much on a single platform for content seeding
        4.2.2 Unclear brand positioning leads insufficient communication in emotional benefits
        4.2.3 Brand content marketing overly relies on KOL
        4.2.4 Branding lack personalization
    4.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter Ⅴ Content marketing optimization strategy of A Company beauty brand
    5.1 Target consumer analysis
        5.1.1 A Company beauty brand target consumers
        5.1.2 Target consumers preferences and social attributes
    5.2 A Company brand content marketing communication strategy suggestions
        5.2.1 Increase the content interest to promote user conversion
        5.2.2 Combine functional and emotional benefits
        5.2.3 Increase fans interaction through creative content distribution
        5.2.4 Enhance the experience for users and accumulate user assets
    5.3 Summary of this chapter
Chapter Ⅵ Summary and Outlook
    6.1 Summary
    6.2 Outlook




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