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曼谷工商管理旅游学院的汉语教学现状、问题及对策.pdf 全文

发布时间:2016-05-20 18:02


摘 摘 摘 摘 要 要 要 要 关于泰国汉语教学的文章,多是针对泰国中小学或华校学生的汉语教学情况、学院的 汉语专业学生、泰国大学,很少有文章专门针对某一公立职业技术学院的学生情况而进行 的汉语教学研究。 本文选取泰国公立职业技术学院中一所曼谷工商管理旅游学院的汉语教学为代表进 行研究。2007 年是第一年且只有 11 所公立职业技术学院接收中国高校派出的汉语志愿者 教师。本文以笔者在曼谷工商管理旅游学院近一年的汉语教学经验以及所了解和调查到的 相关资料,主要从曼谷工商管理旅游学院的汉语教学现状、问题及对策这三个方面展开调 查式研究,立足这一年的汉语教学实践,以真实材料为依据,力求客观全面地反映曼谷工 商管理旅游学院的汉语教学现状及其所存在的问题,并根据笔者的教学经验和专业知识提 出相对应的对策。关键词:曼谷工商管理旅游学院;汉语教学;现状;问题;对策 I Abstract The articles of Teaching Chinese as a foreign language on Thai Chinese teaching, most are for Thai primary and secondary school students, the students in Thai Chinese schools, the Chinese major students in colleges, Thai universities, very few articles are specifically for public vocational and technical college students in the Chinese language teaching and research This paper is about Chinese teaching in Bangkok College of Business Administration and Tourism which belongs to Thai public vocational and technical colleges as the representative for research. 2007 is the first year and only 11 public vocational and technical colleges receive Chinese volunteer teachers from Chinese universities. In this paper, the author in Bangkok College of Business Administration and Tourism use nearly a year’s Chinese teaching experience and the understanding and investigation to the relevant information mainly





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