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基于Android及Java Web平台的个人健康信息管理系统

发布时间:2019-03-23 15:10
[Abstract]:In recent years, people's living standards have been greatly improved, at the same time, people pay more and more attention to the concept of healthy life, people's concern for personal health and the concept of disease prevention have become more and more intense. At the same time, due to the accelerating pace of life, the increasing trend of food safety and the aging of the population, it has caused a strong impact on the traditional health care and health care methods, and how to grasp their own health information conveniently, in real time and in a more comprehensive manner, At the same time, long-term monitoring of individual physical parameters to achieve the prevention of chronic diseases and more accurate diagnosis, the realization of personal health information management, has become a more and more concerned topic. Based on the growing demand in this area, this paper puts forward the research contents of this paper. This paper designs a personal health information management system, which is mainly composed of Android intelligent terminal software system and Web server software. Personal work is mainly in the development of Android intelligent terminal software and Web-side software development. The Android terminal mainly implements the functions of personal information registration management, physiological parameter measurement, storage, query and uploading to the server, and so on. Android intelligent terminal through Bluetooth module and existing blood pressure meter, oxygen meter, floor weighing and other physiological parameters measurement device to collect the measurement data. At the same time, at the Android end, we use Android development technology to design a good user interface to display the measurement results, realize the local storage, historical data viewing and other functions, and act as the intermediary of the measurement results information transmission. The Android terminal uploads the data to the server through the network to realize the synchronous backup of the data. In addition, this paper simply realizes the personal health information management system on the Web side, so as to realize the multi-platform of personal health information management. This paper mainly introduces the relevant background knowledge, each module of Android device-side software and the design of Web-side software system. At the same time, it describes the technical problems and solutions encountered in the process of system development, and finally carries on the system test. At the same time, the possible improvement scheme of the system is planned.


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1 沈桂法;基于Android的健康服务综合系统的研究与实现[D];电子科技大学;2014年




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