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risk management framework 在 建筑科学与工程 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-18 21:54















risk management framework

  • 风险管理框架(2)
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        The Construction Project Quality Management Model under the Risk Management Framework



        This paper first introduces the models and mechanisms of construction quality management in developed countries, then analyses the defects of ours, finally studies the possible models of construction quality management under the risk management framework together with their advantages and disadvantages after importing IDI.




        The 2008 Olympic venues construction risk management system consists of two portions: risk management tools(risk register and project risk assessment system) and risk management framework(work procedure and organization structure).



    查询“risk management framework”译词为用户自定义的双语例句

      risk management framework

    This paper discusses the cornerstones of RTBI and demonstrates how these are also essential elements of an effective operational risk management framework.


    A risk management framework will be used to integrate the diverse research inputs and apply them to address key policy and utility management issues.


    This paper presents an environmental risk assessment/risk management framework to assess the impacts of climate change on individual exposure units identified as potentially vulnerable to climate change.


    Diatom Indicators of Stream and Wetland Stressors in a Risk Management Framework


    At NASA we have been developing and applying a risk management framework, "Defect Detection and Prevention" (DDP).



    This paper first introduces the models and mechanisms of construction quality management in developed countries, then analyses the defects of ours, finally studies the possible models of construction quality management under the risk management framework together with their advantages and disadvantages after importing IDI.


    The 2008 Olympic venues construction risk management system consists of two portions: risk management tools(risk register and project risk assessment system) and risk management framework(work procedure and organization structure).This paper focuses on the development of the risk register.The objectives of 2008 Olympic venues construction program were established and 242 risks were identified.After the risk evaluation and significance ranking,112 critical risks were extracted from...

    The 2008 Olympic venues construction risk management system consists of two portions: risk management tools(risk register and project risk assessment system) and risk management framework(work procedure and organization structure).This paper focuses on the development of the risk register.The objectives of 2008 Olympic venues construction program were established and 242 risks were identified.After the risk evaluation and significance ranking,112 critical risks were extracted from the identified risks,which were then structured to develop a risk breakdown structure.Mitigation measures for and the owners of each direct risk were proposed.The developed risk register has been used to assist the management of risks for the Olympic venues construction program.







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