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发布时间:2021-10-15 03:22

【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:72 页


1. Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Significance of the research
    1.3 Outline of the thesis
2. Literature Review
    2.1 Studies of Qiao's Family Compund
    2.2 Studies of conversational implicature
    2.3 Studies of literary pragmatics
3. Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Cooperative principle
        3.1.1 Grice's four maxims
        3.1.2 Flouting of four maxims
    3.2 Conversational implicature
        3.2.1 Generalized implicature and particularized implicature
        3.2.2 Standard implicature and non-stsndard implicature
        3.2.3 Properties of conversational implicature
        3.2.4 Conversational implicature and conventional implicature
    3.3 Charecterization
        3.3.1 Predominant character
   Identification of predominant character
   Manifestation of predominant character
        3.3.2 Non-predominant character
        3.3.3 Characterization in conversation
4. Characterization through Conversational Implicature
    4.1 Characterization through conversation without conversaional implicature
        4.1.1 Predominant and non-predominant character of three females
   Character of Jiang Xueying
   Character of Lu Yuhan
   Character of Mrs.Cao
        4.1.2 Predominant and Don-predominant character of two males
   Character of Qiao Zhiyong
   Character of Sun Maocai
    4.2 Characterization through conversational implicature
        4.2.1 Flouting of quality maxim
   Offering false information
   Offering information lacking evidence
        4.2.2 Flouting of relation maxim
    4.3 Comparison of two kinds of characterization
        4.3.1 Quantity comparison
        4.3.2 Quality comparison
    4.4 Pragmatic functions of characterization through conversational implicature innovels
        4.4.1 Being vivid
        4.4.2 Being concise
        4.4.3 Being persuasive
5. Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings of the research
    5.2 Implications for future studies
    5.3 Limitations and suggestions




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