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发布时间:2019-07-29 17:02
[Abstract]:Practical teaching is an important part of teaching, an important link to deepen classroom teaching and improve the quality of higher education. Aiming at the opening of laboratories in colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine, promoting the reform of problem-based, project-based and case-based practical teaching methods and teaching contents is the key content of professional construction and talent training mode reform. This paper analyzes the meaning, present situation, construction ideas and measures of laboratory opening in traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities, and puts forward that laboratory opening should embody the concept of autonomous learning and inquiry learning, so that students can learn music, teachers can teach happily, and through three levels of progressive opening up, students should feel learning and understand learning through the progressive opening of the experimental area of training mode of traditional Chinese medicine, which is based on the innovative experimental area of the training mode of traditional Chinese medicine professionals, and puts forward the idea of laboratory opening up, the present situation, the construction ideas and measures of laboratory opening in colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine. The progress of emotional learning realizes the integration and development of students' scientific foundation, practical ability and humanistic literacy.
【作者单位】: 江西中医药大学教务处;江西中医药大学科研处;


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