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发布时间:2024-06-13 21:19
  近年来,尤其是2005年7月21日中国人民银行宣布开始实行以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节的管理浮动汇率制度以来,人民币开始显著持续地升值。2010年6月19日二次汇改正式启动后,人民币对美元开始再次升值并在年末加速冲刺至一美元兑换6.5897元人民币,全年累计升值3.6%。据国际清算银行测算,2010年人民币实际有效汇率基本稳定,但汇改重启以后因美元走弱而略有下降。预计2011年人民币实际有效汇率将恢复温和上升,在美元继续走弱的情况下,人民币对美元汇率至年底可升至6.35左右,全年升值约4%。 自改革开放以来,作为一个外资引进大国,中国2010年累计吸收外资1057.4亿美元,同比增长17.4%。其中,2008年吸引外资923.95亿美元,居世界第一位,连续17年稳居发展中国家首位。同时,外商投资企业在中国经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用,主要体现在推动经济快速发展、活跃市场经济、提供资金来源、改善企业效益、扩大出口、增加财政收入、引进先进生产技术、提升人力资源等许多方面。 然而,在中国吸引外资不断增加的过程中,外资进入中国的方式也不断发生变化:由最初的合作模式渐渐地转变为合资...

【文章页数】:82 页


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
    1.1 Background and Significance of the Paper
    1.2 Literature Review
    1.3 Definitions of Core Coneepts
    1.4 Structures and Contents of the Paper
    1.5 Research Methods
    1.6 Innovations and Limitations
Chapter Ⅱ Analysis of the Development and Causes of RMB Appreciation
    2.1 Historical Reviews of RMB Exchange Rate Regime and RMB Exchange Rate
        2.1.1 First Stage from 1978 to 1994
        2.1.2 Second Stage from 1994 to July 2005
        2.1.3 Third Stage from July 2005 to 2011
    2.2 Choice of RMB Exchange Rate Regime
        2.2.1 Analysis of Factors Affecting Choice of RMB Exchange Rate Regime
        2.2.2 Short and Medium-term Goal of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform
        2.2.3 Long-term Goal of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform
    2.3 Analysis of the Pressures of RMB Appreciation
        2.3.1 Persistent External Pressures of RMB Appreciation
        2.3.2 Persistent Internal Pressure of RMB Appreciation
Chapter Ⅲ Analysis of the Trend of FDI in Sole Ventures in China
    3.1 Development of FDI in China
        3.1.1 First Stage from 1978 to 1992
        3.1.2 Second Stage form 1992 to 2005
        3.1.3 Third Stage from 2005 to 2011
    3.2 Means and Ways of Sole Ventures
        3.2.1 Newly Built Companies
        3.2.2 Investment through Equity Transfer
        3.2.3 Mergers and Acquisitions
        3.2.4 Integration of Subsidiaries in China
    3.3 Reasons of Sole Ventures
        3.3.1 Steadily Improved Investment Environment in China
        3.3.2 Fundamental Guarantee to Maintain Monopoly Advantages
        3.3.3 Effective Way to Sole Management Conflict
        3.3.4 Important Measure to Achieve Global Strategy
        3.3.5 Pursuit of High Profits and Control of Returns
Chapter Ⅳ Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of RMB Appreciation onFDI
    4.1 Factors of the Impact of RMB Appreciation on FDI
        4.1.1 Increasing the Cost of Foreign Investment in China
        4.1.2 Decreasing the Competitiveness of China's Exports
        4.1.3 Reducing the Prices of Imported Goods
        4.1.4 Increasing the Expected Earnings of Foreign-invested Enterprises
        4.1.5 Reducing the Economic Growth Rate of China
    4.2 Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of RMB Appreciation on FDI
        4.2.1 Wealth Effect
        4.2.2 Relative Production Cost Effect
        4.2.3 Risk Effect
        4.2.4 Department Effect
        4.2.5 Competitiveness Effect
Chapter Ⅴ Empirical Analysis of the Impact of RMB Appreciation onFDI in Sole Ventures in China
    5.1 Model Design and Description
    5.2 Empirical Analysis Methods
    5.3 Variables and Data
    5.4 Cointegration Analysis
        5.4.1 Unit Root Test
        5.4.2 Cointegration Test
Chapter Ⅵ Strategies for Utilizing FDI in the Context of RMBAppreciation
    6.1 Strategies of Micro-economic Entities
        6.1.1 Improving the Capability of "Learning by Doing" and Striving to Master Core Technologies
        6.1.2 Enhancing Core Competitiveness by Technological Innovation
        6.1.3 Strengthening Brand Awareness and Protecting Well-known Brands
    6.2 Strategies of the Government
        6.2.1 Changing Concepts of Foreign Policy and Making Adjustments
        6.2.2 Preventing Monopoly Acts of Multinational Companies
        6.2.3 Increasing Intellectual Property Protection and Emphasizing on R&D Investment of State-owned Enterprises
    6.3 Conclusion




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