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发布时间:2018-06-06 13:41

  本文选题:物流业 + 灰色关联分析 ; 参考:《贵州财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:“十一五”期间,我国物流需求处在较高增长期,现代物流产业作为国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业已被广大国民所接受,其发展程度成为衡量一国现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一,并被誉为经济发展的“加速器”和产业社会的原动力。 近年来对物流业的研究越来越多,物流业与制造业、服务业的联动发展一直成为经济研究热点。物流业与制造业联动发展不仅能够降低制造企业生产成本,提高制造业效率,而且使制造企业能够专注于自己的核心产品,提高制造企业的核心竞争力。对于社会有限资源而言,能够减少资源闲置,优化资源配置。对于物流企业而言,能够整合物流资源,有利于集聚物流需求,加快贵州省物流产业由传统物流向现代物流转型。物流业与服务业联动发展是由全球产业结构转变的趋势引起的,由“工业型经济”向“服务型经济”转变。在贵州省“十二五”规划中,将服务业的发展作为贵州省经济发展的重点,一方面是因为现代服务业支持第一、二产业发展,,另一方面通过不断融合发展物流业与其他服务业,利用物流业在国民经济中的地位,引导并带动其他服务业发展,提高整个服务业的服务质量,推动贵州省经济发展。因此有必要对贵州省物流业与其他服务业的关联性进行研究。 在这种背景下,本文将贵州省物流业的产业关联分析作为研究主题,研究对象包括贵州省物流业与制造业、物流业与其他服务业,由于贵州省特殊地貌原因,农业并不发达,导致贵州省生产总值主要依靠第二产业、第三产业拉动,因此本文不对物流业与农业关联性进行研究。通过定性和定量分析贵州省物流业、制造业、其他服务业的发展现状,提出促进贵州省物流业、制造业、服务业联动发展的措施和建议。 目前贵州省产业关联分析文献较少,研究贵州省物流业主要以定性分析为主,因此本文基于《中国统计年鉴》、《贵州统计年鉴》、《贵州2012年投入产出表》,利用灰色关联模型、投入产出模型,分别从制造业与物流业整体,制造业子行业与物流业两个方面研究贵州省制造业与物流业的关联度。对制造业子行业进行划分时,本文通过贵州省工业发展体系规划,将制造业划分为新兴支柱产业、传统支柱产业、特色优势产业、高新技术产业和制造装备业五类。从物流业与服务业的供需关系、协作关系和产业波及特性研究贵州省物流业与服务业的关联度。最终分别提出两业联动和三业联动融合发展建议。
[Abstract]:During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China's logistics demand is in a period of high growth, and the modern logistics industry, as the artery and basic industry of the national economic development, has been accepted by the broad masses of the people. The degree of its development has become one of the important symbols to measure the degree of modernization and the comprehensive national strength of a country, and it has been praised as the "accelerator" of economic development and the motive force of the industrial society. In recent years, more and more research on logistics industry, logistics industry and manufacturing industry, the development of service industry has become a hot economic research. The development of logistics and manufacturing industry can not only reduce the production cost and improve the manufacturing efficiency, but also enable the manufacturing enterprises to focus on their core products and improve the core competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises. For social limited resources, it can reduce idle resources and optimize resource allocation. For logistics enterprises, the integration of logistics resources is conducive to the agglomeration of logistics demand, and accelerate the transformation of logistics industry from traditional logistics to modern logistics in Guizhou province. The linkage development of logistics industry and service industry is caused by the trend of global industrial structure transformation, from "industrial economy" to "service economy". In the 12th Five-Year Plan of Guizhou Province, the development of the service industry is regarded as the focus of Guizhou's economic development. On the one hand, it is because the modern service industry supports the development of the first and second industries; on the other hand, through the continuous integration of the development of the logistics industry and other service industries, Taking advantage of the position of logistics industry in the national economy, we should guide and promote the development of other service industries, improve the service quality of the whole service industry, and promote the economic development of Guizhou Province. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between logistics industry and other service industries in Guizhou Province. Under this background, this paper takes the industry correlation analysis of Guizhou logistics industry as the research topic, including Guizhou logistics industry and manufacturing industry, logistics industry and other service industries, because of the special geomorphological reasons of Guizhou Province, agriculture is not developed. As a result, the GDP of Guizhou mainly depends on the secondary industry and the tertiary industry, so this paper does not study the relationship between logistics and agriculture. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the development of logistics industry, manufacturing industry and other service industries in Guizhou Province, the paper puts forward some measures and suggestions to promote the linkage development of logistics industry, manufacturing industry and service industry in Guizhou Province. At present, there are few literatures on industrial correlation analysis in Guizhou Province. Qualitative analysis is the main method to study the logistics industry in Guizhou Province. Therefore, based on the Statistical Yearbook of China, the input-output table of Guizhou in 2012, the grey correlation model is used in this paper. The input-output model studies the relationship between manufacturing industry and logistics industry in Guizhou province from the aspects of manufacturing industry and logistics industry as a whole, manufacturing sub-industry and logistics industry. According to the industrial development system planning of Guizhou Province, the manufacturing industry is divided into five categories: new pillar industry, traditional pillar industry, characteristic advantage industry, high and new technology industry and manufacturing equipment industry. This paper studies the relationship between logistics industry and service industry in Guizhou province from the relationship between supply and demand, cooperation relationship and industry ripple characteristics between logistics industry and service industry. Finally, two industry linkage and three industry linkage development suggestions are put forward respectively.


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