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发布时间:2018-06-06 14:27

  本文选题:连锁便利 + 物流配送 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of economy, chain convenience stores, as a new retail channel, have gradually become an important role in retailing. According to the report of Anxin Securities Research Center, from 2003 to 2011, The number and income of convenience stores in China have increased by more than four times during the past 20 percent and 24.9 years, respectively. In 2011, the number of convenience stores reached 27600, with an income of nearly 50 billion yuan. With the rapid development of convenience stores, consumers' demand for product freshness and quality is becoming more and more stringent, which poses a great challenge to the chain logistics system. How to reduce logistics cost, improve logistics efficiency and establish a set of distribution management mode and control mechanism suitable for chain convenient logistics enterprises has become a necessary condition for enterprises to survive. The scientific nature of the chain convenience store business model is precisely in line with the basic needs under the social and economic development of China, which has developed rapidly under the background of good social demand, and has been developed rapidly in major cities in China. Transnational chain facilities and local chain facilities continue to emerge, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to gain an advantage in the fierce competition, much depends on cost control and customer satisfaction, which is exactly what supply chain management can provide. Starting with how to rationalize the distribution mode and reduce the cost of chain convenient logistics distribution, this paper studies and discusses the logistics distribution mode of chain convenience at home and abroad. This paper discusses in detail the form, process, main links and realization of distribution rationalization, logistics cost control, selection of chain convenient logistics distribution mode, etc. This paper focuses on three aspects of research on how to improve the rationalization of chain convenient logistics distribution through chain convenient logistics distribution mode and its choice. It is hoped that through the analysis of the practice of the logistics distribution model in my own enterprise, it can be combined with the advanced logistics system and logistics equipment and extended to the chain convenient distribution system.


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