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发布时间:2018-06-06 14:30

  本文选题:营销战略 + 房地产 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Although China's real estate industry started relatively late, its development momentum is strong and its speed is relatively fast. In recent years, the real estate industry has gradually developed into one of the pillar industries to stimulate the economic growth of our country. The high returns make more investors join the real estate industry, and with the maturation of our market economy, the competition in the real estate industry is becoming more and more fierce. The marketing strategy adopted by real estate companies has become an important factor affecting the success or failure of real estate development companies. Marketing strategy is the overall layout and planning of marketing development in a certain period of time in order to complete its business plan and achieve its business goal under the modern marketing concept. The formulation and perfection of marketing strategy is an essential part in the process of enterprise management and operation. Marketing strategy involves enterprise mission, enterprise philosophy, resource allocation and competitive advantage. It is an overall marketing strategy for enterprises to provide certain goods and services to meet the needs of consumers or users. The purpose of this paper is to study the marketing strategy of Baoyu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.'s project products, using the methods of literature research, system analysis, model analysis, and combining the relevant theories of economics and management, etc. Starting from the marketing environment of real estate industry in China, this paper analyzes the marketing environment of Baoyu real estate, that is, macro, micro and real estate industry environment, and constructs the marketing SWOT matrix of Baoyu real estate project, and introduces the company scale of Baoyu Real Estate. Based on the analysis of the natural environment, economic situation, policy orientation and population environment of Baoyu Real Estate Company, the main problems in Baoyu Real Estate Company's current marketing plan are described as follows: the product selling point is uncertain, the target group is not clearly positioned, Excessive reliance on advertising, insufficient practicality of brand strategy, separation of innovation from market demand, insufficient attention to network marketing, comprehensive analysis of Baoyu real estate marketing strategy through STP strategy analysis and marketing strategy dimension analysis, Combined with the current marketing situation of real estate industry and the situation of Baoyu Real Estate, this paper studies the choice of marketing strategy of Baoyu Real Estate, and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of marketing strategy for Baoyu Real Estate Company.


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