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发布时间:2018-05-14 03:35

  本文选题:拉动补货 + 精益物流 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,体育用品消费市场追求个性化、时尚化的趋势日益明显,这种多品种、小批量的即时需求使得体育用品企业所广泛采用的远期期货模式面临巨大挑战。挑战主要体现在两个方面,一是需求预测时间跨度过长,供应与需求严重脱节。二是远期期货模式下推动式运作方式与需求趋势背道而驰。这种运作方式往往不区分产品、不区分阶段、不区分客户需求,追求一次性的将成品推送到客户。 本文关注远期期货模式下N公司成品物流环节中存在的主要问题,,尝试对N公司产品以及不同时期和阶段进行恰当的分类,并由此设计面向需求的拉动式精益成品物流运作方式。本文通过三个方面展开,首先,通过对N公司产品和需求分析,确定了设计N公司成品物流策略时需要考虑的主要因素,并通过这些因素对N公司产品分类,分成季节性产品铺货、季节性产品补货和常青款产品补货三个类别。然后,基于上述分类将区别化的拉动式精益成品物流模式与之进行关联和匹配,并针对三个不同的分类从战略层、战术层和运作层三个层次设计区别化的拉动精益成品物流策略,以实现新品上市铺货周期最短、热销品售罄率最高、专业类和长青款产品服务水平最高的优化目标。最后,选取N公司成品物流环节中最关键的瓶颈环节进行仿真模型搭建与仿真试验,以验证拉动式精益成品物流技术在N公司产品铺货阶段的适用性与科学性。
[Abstract]:At present, the trend of pursuit of individuation and fashion in the sporting goods consumption market is becoming increasingly obvious. This kind of multi-variety, small batch real-time demand makes the forward futures model widely used by sports goods enterprises face great challenges. The challenge is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is that the time span of demand forecasting is too long, and the supply and demand are seriously disjointed. Second, the forward futures model under the driving mode of operation and demand against the trend. This mode of operation often does not distinguish between products, stages and customer needs, and seeks to push the finished product to the customer at one time. This paper focuses on the main problems in the logistics of N Company under the forward futures model, and tries to classify the products of N Company and the different periods and stages appropriately. And from this design demand-oriented lean product logistics operation mode. Firstly, through the analysis of product and demand of N Company, the main factors that need to be considered in designing N Company's finished product logistics strategy are determined, and the products of N Company are classified by these factors. Divided into seasonal product shop, seasonal product replenishment and evergreen product replenishment three categories. Then, based on the above classification, the differentiated pull lean product logistics model is associated with and matched with it, and three different classifications are classified from the strategic level. The tactics layer and the operation layer design the differentiated pull lean product logistics strategy in order to achieve the new product marketing cycle is the shortest, the hot goods sell out rate is the highest, the professional category and the evergreen product service level is the highest optimization goal. Finally, the simulation model is built and the simulation experiment is carried out to verify the applicability and scientificity of the technology of pulling lean finished product logistics in the stage of N company's finished product logistics, which is the most critical bottleneck in N company's finished product logistics.


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