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发布时间:2018-05-23 06:51

  本文选题:燃油 + 波动率 ; 参考:《商业研究》2013年11期

[Abstract]:Based on the 5-minute high-frequency yield data of fuel futures price index of Shanghai Futures Exchange, this paper constructs an adjusted series of realized volatility estimates, and uses four kinds of nonlinear GARCH models to model and analyze. This paper describes the volatility characteristics of China fuel futures price index, and uses six loss functions and Diebold-Mariano test method to empirically test the ability of four kinds of GARCH models to predict the volatility of oil futures price index. As far as China's fuel futures market is concerned, the FIAPARCH model based on high frequency data can well describe the volatility characteristics of China's fuel futures prices, and it has the best ability to predict volatility. The IGARCH model also shows good volatility prediction ability under some loss function standards.
【作者单位】: 重庆文理学院数学与财经学院;


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