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发布时间:2016-08-03 02:09


网友wh7422近日为您收集整理了关于基于能值理论的太原城市复合生态经济系统可持续发展评价的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:分类号: 密级: 无UDC: 单位代码:10118山西师范大学研究生硕士学位论文指导教师郑国璋教授山西师范大学地理科学学院申请学位级别理学硕士专业名称自然地理学论文提交日期 2015 年 4 月 7 日论文答辩日期 2015 年 5 月 24 日学位授予单位山西师范大学学位授予日期 2015 年 6 月 4 日答辩委员会主席赵景波教授评阅人岳乐平教授李晋佩研究员2015 年 6 月 7 日山西师范大学学位论文II总体表明太原能值结构相对合理,能值自给能力较强。(2)将太原城市复合生态经济系统能值与其他地区进行横向比较,能值自给率、能值货币比率远高于其它国家和地区,体现出城市对本地资源开发利用率较高且对外依赖度小;电力能值比和人均能值使用量远低于我国平均水平和发达地区,说明人均生活水平和质量还有待提高,同时经济的快速发展,导致环境负载率持续升高从而对城市的可持续发展构成阻碍。(3)通过对 2004—2013 年能值指标分析测算,得出总能值、不可更新资源能值逐年增长,输入能值和可更新能值变化平稳,表明太原市经济增长主要依靠本地资源,系统可持续发展指数 ESI 逐年下降,2004 年为弱度可(来源:[])持续性、2005—2009 为弱度不可持续性、2010—2013 为不可持续性,数据表明系统运行向恶性方向发展。(4)运用灰色预测模型对 2014—2018 太原市可持续发展指数预测表明:太原可持续发展指数逐年下降,有向极度不可持续发展的趋势,因此应采取合理和科学化的措施积极遏制这种态势。【关键词】城市复合生态经济系统能值理论能值指标体系能值可持续性发展指标灰度预测太原市【论文类型】基础研究山西师范大学学位论文IIof government decision in long strategy.Taiyuan is one of the earliest industrial base in China. However,its economy developed relatively slow since the end of thetwentieth century. Then it appears a series of problems ofurbanization in both e(来源:[])cology and environment. The evaluation ofsustainable development plex ecosystem of Taiyuan isneeded here, to provide the basis of theory of adjusting ecologicalenvironment and developing in both society and economy, whichcan provide reference to measuring similar ecological system.In this paper, the author uses emergy analysis to getquantitative data plex ecosystem of Taiyuan. To make sure itis fit to the fact, the emergy sustainability index was i(来源:[])mprovedduring the process of analysis. Combining static and dynamicanalysis, the author measures the use plex ecosystem inTaiyuan from 2004 to 2013. The grey prediction model is used ofpredict the sustainable development index from 2014 to 2018. Themain findings are here as follows.1)Calculating the plex ecosystem emergy ofTaiyuan city in 2013 ,established the flow of index system ofemergy indicators, obtains the total usage of system emergy is1.17(来源:[])×1023sej, renewable resource emergy is 1.24×1021sej,accounted for only 1.05%, nonrenewable resources is 1.03×1023sej,英文摘要IIIwhich constitute the largest total percent 88% , the flow ofmoney emergy is 2.15×1024sej, which the imports of emergy is1.27×1022sej, the export of emergy is 4.59×1022sej, the emergy ofGDP is 2.09×1024sej, accounting for cashflow emergy 97.2% .Taiy-uan emergy structure is reasonable and the self-sufficiency abilityemergy is st(来源:[])rong.2) Comparing with other areas according to the emergy indexsystem of Taiyuan, the rate of self-sufficiency emergy, the rate ofdollar emergy is much higher than other countries andregions,reflecting that the development of city is rely onlocal resources. the rate of power emergy and per capitaemergy is far lower than the average level in our country and thedeveloped countries. s


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