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society system coupling degree coordination degree

发布时间:2016-08-08 16:17



The Evaluation of Coulpling Coordination Development of Ecology-Economy- Society System in Dongting Lake Area

[1] [2]

WANG Qi, TANG Fang - hua (1. Urban Management Department ,Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000 ,Hunan, China ; 2. Architecture and Urban Planning School ,Hunan City Univers

[1]湖南城市学院城市管理学院,中国湖南益阳413000; [2]湖南城市学院建筑与城市规划学院,中国湖南益阳413000


AbstrThis paper constructs the evaluation index system of harmonious development of ecology-economy-society system in Dongting Lake area, by employing the coupling degree model and theeoupling coordination function, calculated the degree of the comprehensive development in Dongting Lake area from 2000 to 2013. According to the calculation and comparation of result, it shows that: 1)From the dynamic evolution of timing point of view, the state of coordinated development of ecology-economy-society system in Dongting Lake area is moderate disorders from 2000 to 2004, then transfered to basic coordination in 2005, and achieved moderate coordination in 2009. 2)Judging from the view of spatial distribution, Yueyang achieved moderate coordination state in 2008, Changde and Yiyang achieved respectively in 2009 and 2010. Although the level of harmonious development of ecology-economy-society system in Dongting Lake area increases in past few years, but it still has a long way to go. The main reason that restricts the overall level of coordinated development:The contradiction between the development of ecology, economy and society economy is the main constraints in Dongting Lake area.


Keyword::Dongting Lake area ecology-economy-society system coupling degree coordination degree








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