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发布时间:2018-01-06 11:29

  本文关键词:安徽省新三板企业融资效率研究 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 新三板 中小企业 融资效率 数据包络分析

[Abstract]:Small and medium-sized enterprises as an indispensable part of national economy, playing an important role in promoting the development of the national economy and promote social stability. However, financing difficulties, financing expensive financing chaos "problem has become the constraints of China's small and medium-sized enterprise growth is a bottleneck in.2006 year three new board market was established, has opened a new the financing channel, can be said to be an important turning point for.2013 development of small and medium-sized enterprises in China in the end of the new board official expansion to the nation, the number of listed companies and stock turnover grew by leaps and bounds. But at present, the new three board Market system construction is not perfect, there are many problems in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the new three the market. Under this background, this article through the relevant theoretical research and empirical test of small and medium-sized enterprises in the new three board market level of financing efficiency. Firstly, based on the research of relevant scholars at home and abroad The first in the form of literature review on the financing efficiency factors and measurement method to classify and organize, and then introduced the enterprise financing structure theory and efficiency theory, laid the theoretical foundation for the whole research. Secondly, this paper selects the new board enterprise in Anhui Province as the research object, first from the board, and will increase the equity pledge three point of view, analysis of financial status of the new board of enterprises in Anhui Province, from the quality of listed companies, market liquidity, the transfer mechanism is effective, the four aspects of financing scale and structure, combined with the actual situation in Anhui Province, analysis of the factors influencing the financing efficiency of the new board of enterprises in Anhui Province, on the basis of the financing efficiency of the new board enterprises in Anhui province to make qualitative analysis and evaluation. Then, this paper uses the method of data envelopment analysis (DEA), Anhui Province, the new board selects 56 enterprises as samples, with the total assets, asset liability ratio and camp Industry cost as input indicators, the operating income growth rate, total assets turnover, earnings per share and net assets yield rate as output index in 2014 and 2015, the inspection sample enterprises pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and technical efficiency, the first analysis of the overall efficiency of the listing of small and medium-sized enterprises, and then separately from the industry and region from the perspective of comparative analysis on financing efficiency of various industries in Anhui Province, Anhui province and Shanghai City, the new board of enterprise financing efficiency. According to the empirical analysis the following conclusions: the average values of the small and medium-sized enterprise scale efficiency of three new board of Anhui Province, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises in the stage of increasing returns to scale, but the pure technical efficiency is relatively low, resulting in the comprehensive technical efficiency is low, which shows that Anhui province enterprise overall financing efficiency is low, investment does not have the maximum output efficiency; from the financing efficiency of each industry, financing The higher efficiency of listed companies mainly in the transmission of information, software and information technology services, scientific research and technical services "and" financial industry "; comparison of financing efficiency from Anhui province and Shanghai city can be seen in the financing of three new board enterprise in Anhui Province, comprehensive technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency Shanghai city was significantly lower than that of three new board business, and the two most listed companies are financing the non active state. Finally, aiming at the problem of financing and the empirical results exist, from the enterprise itself, the system construction, government and financial institutions to support three aspects, in order to improve the financing efficiency of the new board of enterprises in Anhui province and put forward some policy suggestions.



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