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发布时间:2018-01-06 12:42

  本文关键词:我国债券回购市场利率差异及回购套利研究 出处:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 债券回购 回购利率 回购市场 债券杠杆投资 债券回购套利

[Abstract]:The bond repurchase is subject to bond financing transaction. As short-term financing tools, bond repurchase has many advantages, after twenty years of development, the bond repo market has played an important role in China's monetary market and the entire financial system. This paper has studied the inter-bank market, the Shanghai stock exchange, the relevant bond the repo market in the Shenzhen stock exchange, and in January 2014 September 2016 the Shanghai stock exchange and interbank market related varieties repurchase rate, empirical analysis, quantitative research on interest rates between China's Shanghai stock exchange repo two and the inter-bank bond repo market, synchronization and differences of interest rate volatility. The inspection, the same bond repurchase interest rate difference in different varieties of different degree. The repo market repo market interest rates based on the difference Different, this paper constructs the "continuous repo spreads arbitrage", "single market leverage", "cross market leverage" and "the introduction of interest rate swaps hedge" trading strategies, establish arbitrage models of these four kinds of trading strategies, and build a different portfolio model is verified in this paper. The results show that: (1) the exchange market and the inter-bank market repo rate has the strong correlation, repurchase interest rate volatility has some synchronization, and the fluctuation of China's macro economy operation and government macro-control action is closely related to the repurchase rate volatility of Shanghai stock exchange than the inter-bank market interest rate volatility the same, and the repo rate repo in different markets exist certain differences; (2) the "continuous pledge repurchase" and "continuous buyout repo" Obtain the risk spreads, and continuous buyout repo spreads arbitrage income will be converted to spread income; (3) the repurchase of bonds increased leverage can significantly enhance the portfolio, with the increase in leverage, liquidity risk increases, the interest rate risk exposure (absolute risk increase), and gains and losses volatility (relative risk) does not necessarily increase; (4) cross market arbitrage bond repurchase, repurchase can reduce the cost of financing to a certain extent, to improve the overall return rate of the combination, but the risk of arbitrage is complex; (5) the interest rate swap with hedging effect on bond spot, but can not completely hedge the risk, in order to better hedge the interest rate risk of bond investment, need to further promote the innovation of financial derivatives. The analysis results for the study of arbitrage bond repurchase, bonds and interest rate derivatives hedging The integration of the bond repo market and other issues has some reference value.



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