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发布时间:2018-10-10 18:09
[Abstract]:Article 10 of our country's Trust Law stipulates: "where trust property is established, if the relevant laws and administrative regulations stipulate that registration procedures shall be carried out, trust registration shall be conducted in accordance with the law." This article provides for an omnibus regulation of "trust registration". However, there is no further regulation on the nature, system and procedure of trust registration, and there are few related provisions in other laws or administrative regulations. This is the main reason for the formation of trust market in our country which is dominated by fund trust and almost absent in other forms of property. The perfection of trust registration system can not be ignored for giving full play to the role of trust as a property management mode. As the name implies, trust registration is to effectively balance the interests of all parties and better identify trust property. The third party is also informed of the trust nature of the transaction property and the scope of authority of the trustee in order to balance the interests of the parties. On the basis of comparing and analyzing the characteristics of the trust registration system in the two legal systems, it is necessary to establish a trust registration system which is consistent with the logic of the Trust Law of our country and which is connected with the registration system of the real estate of our country, which is the necessary requirement for the perfection of the Trust Law in our country. It is also a realistic response to the practice of trust, which is an important guarantee to ensure the independence of trust property. The biggest difficulty of the trust industry in our country lies in the lack of the trust registration system. There is neither a clear trust registration department nor a power to grant the trust registration to the relevant institutions. This situation is not conducive to the effective use of trust property, especially real estate trust, also is not conducive to the protection of the trust between the main security transactions, the protection of the rights and interests of the parties. Therefore, it is urgent to perfect the trust registration system in law, clarify the legislative model of trust registration, set up trust public trust organizations, and establish a whole set of registration process of "application-inquiry-review". So as to promote the development of trust system and further promote the construction process of Chinese civil and commercial law.


相关期刊论文 前1条

1 雷秋玉;;论台湾不动产信托公示制度[J];云南行政学院学报;2012年04期

相关硕士学位论文 前5条

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2 周梦峰;信托登记制度研究[D];中国政法大学;2008年

3 梁敏虹;信托公示制度研究[D];暨南大学;2005年

4 赵晓鹏;信托行为生效要件研究[D];中国政法大学;2005年

5 徐绍文;我国信托法律移植的特色及缺陷析论[D];对外经济贸易大学;2003年




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