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发布时间:2018-10-12 07:25
[Abstract]:As a way to transfer the rights of negotiable instruments coexisting with endorsement in the traditional negotiable instrument law theory, pure delivery is favored because of its convenience, and it is an important embodiment of the circulation of bills. And has been recognized by the bill laws of all countries and regions except the mainland of China. There are different opinions on whether our country's negotiable instrument Law recognizes the effect of pure delivery of transfer, and there are different opinions on the recognition of the validity of simple delivery of transfer in judicial practice. This paper studies this problem and tries to find a way to reach agreement among legal regulation, theory and judicial practice. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter discusses the theoretical basis of pure delivery transfer, which provides theoretical support for the later analysis and demonstration. The first section mainly introduces the scope of application and characteristics of pure delivery, its significance in real life and the related risks. Section II deals mainly with acts of instruments, acts of non-negotiable instruments, relations between non-negotiable instruments, non-negotiable relations in negotiable instruments law, non-negotiable relations in non-negotiable instruments law, and rights on instruments, This paper analyzes and combs the special legal terms of negotiable instrument law, such as right in negotiable instrument law, and tries to establish a strict and coherent system of "bill behavior-bill right". The third section mainly introduces how to define and compare bearer bills and blank endorsements. The second chapter discusses whether our country recognizes the simple transfer of delivery and whether it is necessary to recognize it. The first section introduces the legislative background of our country's current negotiable instrument Law and the reasons for not admitting the non-causality of the bill and simply delivering it. In the second section, on the basis of summing up the existing viewpoints of the theoretical circle, we draw the conclusion that our country does not recognize the simple transfer of delivery at present. The third section, proceeding from the situation of judicial practice, the requirement of negotiable instrument circulation and the demand of international connection, proves that it is necessary to admit the simple delivery of transfer. The third chapter mainly analyzes what adjustments should be made in the framework of the existing laws of our country. The first section demonstrates that China should recognize it by analyzing several hypotheses against blank endorsement. Section two discusses the relationship between bearer instruments, blank instruments and simple delivery. The third section discusses the drawbacks of the existing public notice system, and the difficulties which may be faced with the simple delivery under this system, and puts forward some solutions. The conclusion part summarizes the full text.


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