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发布时间:2018-10-11 13:04
[Abstract]:In the western developed capital markets, margin trading is a very mature business, but it is still a new thing in our country. November 25, 2011, The Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the detailed rules for the implementation of margin trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and only then did China's margin and margin business formally upgrade from a pilot to a conventional business. On August 30, 2012, China began to implement the transfer financing business. Investors have shown a strong interest, the introduction of revolving business has expanded the financing and short margin sources, which undoubtedly makes the margin financing business more perfect. In theory, with the expansion of trading scale and participation, the role of margin trading will become more and more obvious, but how does this business affect the stock market in China? This has yet to be tested. Based on this background, this paper firstly introduces the principle of margin trading, and theoretically analyzes the impact on the market quality caused by its launch. According to the different characteristics of margin financing, the paper describes the effect of the business on market liquidity and volatility. By selecting the daily trading data after the formal launch of margin trading business, using the vector autoregressive model VAR, Granger causality test, impulse response function and variance decomposition, the financing, margin, liquidity and volatility are set up proxy variables. The empirical analysis shows that: financing business has a significant impact on volatility and liquidity, to a certain extent, improve market liquidity and reduce market volatility, which is consistent with the hypothesis of this paper. By analyzing the results of impulse response function, the effect of the business on the market is not immediately apparent, but a long-term process. Margin trading also has a significant impact on market volatility and liquidity, which is different from previous studies. This may be due to the expansion of trading scale and participation with the development of margin trading in China. Its function of improving the quality of the market is gradually prominent. This paper takes the underlying securities as the research object and uses the panel data regression model to analyze the influence of margin trading on the underlying stocks. The results show that the business has a more obvious impact on the underlying stocks. Improved liquidity of underlying stocks and reduced volatility. At the end of the article, in view of the small scale of margin and short margin business and the low degree of participation in the development of our country, combined with the research results of this paper, the paper puts forward some policy recommendations for the perfection of the margin and margin business in our country.


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