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发布时间:2018-10-12 16:03
[Abstract]:Since 2013, when Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange launched stock pledge repurchase through financial innovation, the financing behavior of stock pledge by listed companies has become more and more common. According to wind database statistics, In 2016, as many as 1600 listed companies participated in stock pledge, more than half of the number of listed companies in China's A-share stock market, and some listed companies have more than once a year stock pledge behavior. For example, in 2016, the largest amount of equity pledge financing occurred was Shanghai 002252.sz (87 times), almost seven times a month. According to the author's 2016 statistics, the companies with the top 10 pledge times on average have 52.3 times of equity pledge behavior. Will such frequent stock pledge affect the market value management of listed companies? Based on this question, this paper makes a screening analysis of the listed companies in A shares that have pledged the shares of controlling shareholders between 2010 and the first quarter of 2016. The results show that: 1. City companies to strengthen market value management, However, the frequent behavior of equity pledge will weaken the effect of market value management. 2, the market value management behavior of controlling shareholder and small shareholder is obviously stronger than that of only controlling shareholder. That is, the equity pledge behavior of controlling shareholders and minority shareholders has a synergistic effect on market value management. When controlling shareholders of private enterprises pledge shares, private listed companies will have more obvious market value management. Finally, according to the conclusion of this paper, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions on preventing the risk of equity pledge and strengthening market value management.


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