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engineering machinery metal sheet structural part paint coat

发布时间:2016-08-16 20:21



Research and application progress and development trend of engineering machinery coating


ZHANG RuiAuthor's address: Shandong Shantui Mechanical Ltd., Jining 272071, China



AbstrThe research and application progress of engineering machinery coating were reviewed from aspects of variation of coating function and developments of coating pretreatment and painting processes. The characteristics of current coating processes for engineering machinery were summarized as follows: in aspect of coating function, the decoration function and identification function were highlighted while maintaining the corrosion protection function; automatic shot blasting was widely applied to moderate and thick structural plates in pretreatment process while the phosphating process was basically used in thin metal plates to improve the pretreatment quality; for paints, electrophoretic coating and powder coating were employed, and a primer-topcoat-in-one coating was developed; in aspect of coating process, the spraying with gas mixture and electrostatic spraying with high production efficiency and high paint utilization efficiency were applied, and the shot blasting-paint spraying integration process, topcoating of components and parts prior to assembly, puttying first and then spraying primer, as well as primer and topcoat integration process were developed based on traditional solvent-type coating, and the electrophoretic coating and powder coating processes were introduced; in coating quality management, the standards for coating quality management were constituted and coating appearance and performance indices were quantified. The development trend of engineering machinery coating was presented.


Keyword::engineering machinery metal sheet structural part paint coating pretreatment








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