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工程机械涂装研究和应用进展及发展趋势.pdf 全文

发布时间:2016-08-16 20:21


工程机械涂装研究和应用进展及发展趋势 张瑞 (山东山推机械有限公司,山东济宁 272071 ) 摘要:从涂装功能变化、涂装前处理工艺及涂料与喷涂工艺的 components and parts prior to assembly, puttying first and 发展等方面对工程机械涂装研究和应用进展进行了综述,总结 then spraying primer, as well as primer and topcoat 了当前工程机械涂装工艺特点:在涂装功能上,在保持防锈保 integration process were developed based on traditional 护功能的同时,突出装饰功能和标识功能;在前处理方面,中 solvent-type coating, and the electrophoretic coating and 厚板结构件广泛采用自动抛丸工艺,薄板件基本采用磷化工艺, powder coating processes were introduced; in coating 使前处理质量更好;在涂料方面,引入了电泳涂料和粉末涂料, quality management, the standards for coating quality 并开发了底面合一涂料;在涂装工艺方面,采用生产效率和涂 management were constituted and coating appearance and 料利用率高的混气喷涂和静电喷涂工艺,并在传统溶剂型涂料 performance indices were quantified. The development trend 涂装工艺的基础上,开发了抛丸C喷漆一体化工艺、零部件面漆 of engineering machinery coating was presented. 化工艺、先刮腻子后喷底漆工艺和底面合一涂料涂装工艺,同 Keywords: engineering machinery; metal sheet; structural 时引入电泳涂装和粉末涂装工艺;在涂装质量管理方面,制定 part; paint coating; pretreatment 了涂装质量管理标准,并对涂层外观、性





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