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发布时间:2022-09-30 16:18

【文章页数】:106 页


Chapter 1 Research Context
    1.1 Background
        1.1.1 The OBOR Project
        1.1.2 RAMS Standards
        1.1.3 China National Institute of Standards(CNIS)
    1.2 Problem Definition
    1.3 Purpose of Study
    1.4 Proposed Solution
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Text comparison using traditional methods
    2.3 Text comparison using machine learning methods
        2.3.1 Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
        2.3.2 Use of Machine Learning Classifiers
        2.3.3 Use of Deep Learning Neural Networks
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
    3.1 Challenges to overcome
        3.1.1 Major concepts for text comparisons
        3.1.2 Major issues faced for text comparisons
    3.2 Global Methodology
    3.3 Determination of lexical features
        3.3.1 Introduction to the role of lexical features
        3.3.2 Bag of Words
        3.3.3 String Matching
        3.3.4 Longest Common Substring
        3.3.5 Longest Common Subsequence
        3.3.6 Word Error Rate
        3.3.7 Position Independent Word Error Rate
    3.4 Determination of syntactic and semantic features
        3.4.1 Syntactic Features
        3.4.2 Semantic Features
    3.5 Different methodologies to pursue text comparison
    3.6 Determination of performances
Chapter 4 Experiments& Results
    4.1 Datasets
        4.1.1 Twitter Paraphrase Corpus
        4.1.2 PPDB: Paraphrase Database
        4.1.3 Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus
    4.2 Experiment 1:simple feature comparison
        4.2.1 Bag of Words
        4.2.2 String Matching
        4.2.3 Longest Common Subsequence
        4.2.4 Longest Common Substring
        4.2.5 Word Error Rate
        4.2.6 Position Independent Word Error Rate
        4.2.7 Part of Speech Tagging
        4.2.8 Wu Palmer Similarity
        4.2.9 Conclusion on Simple Feature Comparison
    4.3 Experiment 2: "majority wins" comparison
        4.3.1 Correlation among features
        4.3.2 Analysis of the influence of each lexical feature
        4.3.3 Analysis of the influence of the syntactic and semantic features
        4.3.4 Results for the "Majority Wins" algorithm
        4.3.5 Conclusion
    4.4 Experiment 3:machine learning classification comparison
        4.4.1 First raw of experiments
        4.4.2 Feature Selection
        4.4.3 Algorithm Tuning
        4.4.4 Final Results
    4.5 Summary of Findings
Chapter 5 Discussion of Findings
    5.1 Comparison with Baseline results
    5.2 Discussion& Future Work
List of Nomenclatures
    Appendix A:main codes implemented
Resume and Academic Achievements




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