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keeping in good health 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-10-16 18:37







keeping in good health 的翻译结果

keeping in good health

  • 养身保健(0)

         Research on the Thought Mode and Modern Cultural Value of Traditional Sports Keeping in Good Health in China



         On Chinese traditional keeping in good health in PE theory basis and its special style



         On the basis of the traditional Chinese theory of keeping in good health,the papermade a complete onalysis on the theory of viscera and brought forward a series of viewpoints,i.



         Modern Edition of Hot Pot for Keeping in Good Health



         Following footprint of history and modern to need, commonly used method of Taoist health care sports is made theory principle introduce and proved briefly, make us have a more visual, clear, concretize understanding of Taoist keeping in good health and health care sports.





         Keeping In Touch



         4C keeping.



         On Beautification and Health-keeping Sports



         Healthy Keeping-Chinese Leisure



         Functions of Taijiquan on Keeping Healthy



    查询“keeping in good health”译词为用户自定义的双语例句

    A case report and an improved technique of removing the giant cavernous angi-oma of the liver are presented.when a patient's abdomen was opened a 40cm×25cm×20cm giant cavernous angioma was found involving the left lobe of the liver,and the tu-mor was enlarging rapidly due to the sudden decrease of intraabdominal pressure.So-on the patient's condition was critical.The surgeon wrapped the tumor tightly with abandage immediately.The tumor was compressed and minimized to a cylinder-shapedtissue about 10cm in diameter...

    A case report and an improved technique of removing the giant cavernous angi-oma of the liver are presented.when a patient's abdomen was opened a 40cm×25cm×20cm giant cavernous angioma was found involving the left lobe of the liver,and the tu-mor was enlarging rapidly due to the sudden decrease of intraabdominal pressure.So-on the patient's condition was critical.The surgeon wrapped the tumor tightly with abandage immediately.The tumor was compressed and minimized to a cylinder-shapedtissue about 10cm in diameter and 40cm long.Thus a large amount of blood was forcedto return from the angioma into the body circulation.The pati(?)nt's condition impro-ved rapidly.The operation was smoothly done.The postoperative course was unevent-ful.No blood transfusion was needed during the course of removing the tumor.Thepatient has been followed up and still keeps in good health now.


    Gongfu of intelligence combines the virtues of Qigong and Wushu, having the wonders of keeping in good health and skillful attacking. Perseverence in practising it helps one to achieve good results of building up the health, developing wisdom and becoming vigorous and' graceful. The results of Qigong keep - fit teaching at colleges and universities show that applying Qigong in teaching is a breakthrough of the eduacation model changing from" competition to building up the health"...

    Gongfu of intelligence combines the virtues of Qigong and Wushu, having the wonders of keeping in good health and skillful attacking. Perseverence in practising it helps one to achieve good results of building up the health, developing wisdom and becoming vigorous and' graceful. The results of Qigong keep - fit teaching at colleges and universities show that applying Qigong in teaching is a breakthrough of the eduacation model changing from" competition to building up the health" .The combination of modern physical culture and traditional culture will be the orientation of physical culture education at teachers colleges and normal unversities.


    Zhang Congzheng was considered as the delegate of TCM doctors good at using laxa-tive remedy of past dynasties.His theories of keeping in good health and preventing diseases still has thegreat significance for treating the diseases of biliary tract,in modern time.The theories are that,all thediseases are due to the evil—factor;for the attacks of evil—factors,the quick purgative and evil—re-moving methods are available;the reinforcing function might exist in laxative remedy;the purgativeshould be stopped...

    Zhang Congzheng was considered as the delegate of TCM doctors good at using laxa-tive remedy of past dynasties.His theories of keeping in good health and preventing diseases still has thegreat significance for treating the diseases of biliary tract,in modern time.The theories are that,all thediseases are due to the evil—factor;for the attacks of evil—factors,the quick purgative and evil—re-moving methods are available;the reinforcing function might exist in laxative remedy;the purgativeshould be stopped as soon as the evil removed;the reinforcing method is just only the assistant of evil—removing method;and the diet therapy is important for keeping in good health.



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