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发布时间:2018-05-04 12:11

  本文选题:宗教条款 + 严格分离 ; 参考:《学术月刊》2017年01期

[Abstract]:There have always been two interpretations of the establishment clause in the American Constitution, strict separation and neutrality. Since 1947, strict separation of state and religion has become the dominant principle of the United States Supreme Court in dealing with religious and state relations. The establishment of this principle is inseparable from the "sectarian struggle" between Protestantism and Catholicism in American history, and its essence is to safeguard the cultural leadership of Protestantism. But the strict separation principle was not only the product of sectarian struggle, but also rooted in Madison, whose understanding of the relationship between God, individual and government in the early years of the founding of the people's Republic of America became increasingly controversial after the 1960s. Strict separation principle is more and more limited because of the change from sectarian controversy to cultural war. However, this transformation is formal rather than substantive, and religious issues have not been resolved as cultural problems. Therefore, the liberal solution based on multiculturalism has not been successful.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;


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