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发布时间:2017-12-27 02:13

  本文关键词:中学西传与自然神论 出处:《文化学刊》2016年10期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 中学西传 儒学 自然神论

[Abstract]:The course of Chinese and Western cultural exchanges between 16 and eighteenth Century was also the process of western communication in middle schools and the understanding of China in the West. The natural theism is the breakthrough point of the Western understanding of Chinese traditional culture, especially the Chinese Confucianism. It is the link between Chinese traditional culture and the movement of European thought. The natural theism originated from ancient Greece, especially the natural theism of Europe from 17 to eighteenth Century, especially the natural theism of the French Enlightenment period. The historical transformation of Europe brought the missionaries' Chinese Confucianism to the stage of European history and integrated into the history of Europe, which had a decisive influence on the development of European theism.
【作者单位】: 福建省泉州市委党校;
【正文快照】: 一、中学西传的联结点16至18世纪的欧洲正在延续着一场重大变革,中国文化西传欧洲掀起了一阵中国热,造就了一个中国的神话。16至18世纪中西文化交往的历程也是中学西传及西方认识中国的历程,由于历史上种种原因呈现突出的“单向交流”[1]特征。这个单向性的交流过程同时也体现




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