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发布时间:2018-01-09 00:05

  本文关键词:东欧的两种现代性 出处:《关东学刊》2016年07期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 两种现代性 进步 主体性 道德 审美

[Abstract]:The American scholar Matei Calinescu will be divided into modern social modernity and aesthetic modernity, thus revealing the modern western literature, criticism and art supplement of social modernity. This paper studies on the former Eastern European countries the two modernity shows that the contradiction between social modernity and aesthetic modernity has its own characteristics, performance the contradiction between the main body of the two elements of modern philosophy and the progress of irreconcilable. Based on this, the Eastern aesthetic modernity emphasizes morality and conscience, return to the traditional transcendental world outlook, and the universal ethics concept of loss as the root of the crisis of modernity, so as to criticize the social modernity in Eastern Europe the question of aesthetic modernity in the West.

【作者单位】: 南京大学海外教育学院;
【正文快照】: 一美国学者马泰·卡林内斯库在《现代性的五副面孔》中,考察了西方的两种现代性,即社会现代性和审美现代性,这两种现代性的叙事是互相冲突的。本文拟讨论前东欧国家的两种现代性观念。东欧国家在文化心理上属于欧洲,在现代同样经历了传统秩序的解体,同时在上世纪下半叶又采取


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