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发布时间:2018-02-26 13:42

  本文关键词: 说不尽 历史叙述 世界史 时代命题 “历史” 去问 我自己 就这样 非专业人士 个人体验  出处:《南风窗》2015年20期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:As a member of the media, before being invited to Jinan to participate in the 22nd World Conference on History Science hosted by Shandong University, There is always a question in my mind: what is history? Chinese people love to talk about history, and even have a saying that "history is the religion of Chinese people." but when they say "history," the meanings may be various. These meanings may be quite different from each other, such as romance and legends. More importantly, whether it is one person or a country, the more drastic the changes, the fate.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 程大利;说不尽的卢浮宫[J];美术向导;2000年06期

2 ;[J];;年期




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