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发布时间:2018-03-31 22:24

  本文选题:补给 切入点:拜占庭 出处:《古代文明》2015年02期

[Abstract]:Supplies were vital in the war, especially food and forage during the crusades. In the complex battlefield environment in the east, the supply and transportation of supplies and supplies were severe and difficult. From Nissia to Antioch, The first crusade was the cruellest and most fierce battle. With the active support of Byzantium and the Armenians, the Crusaders were able to survive, and then gained the possibility and the impetus to continue their march. The importance of the Byzantine Empire's supply support was particularly evident. Supply was a key element in consolidating the relationship between the Crusades and the Byzantine Empire, in a complex situation of cooperation, containment, and even occasional conflict. To maintain an alliance with each other.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学历史学院;河北师范大学历史文化学院;


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