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发布时间:2018-04-05 23:24

  本文选题:战后 切入点:日本军国主义 出处:《殷都学刊》2016年04期

[Abstract]:In the 70 years after the war , Japan has always been unable to truly complete the history of aggression and correctly understand the crime of war of aggression , which has a close relationship with the existence of the emperor . The existence of Japanese emperor imperial system is the main cause of its militarists and is one of the root causes of the growing arrogance of the right - wing forces in Japan . In view of its strategic interests , it has left hidden danger for the revival of its militarists . The international community should pay close attention to Japan ' s dynamic and use action to defend world peace .

【作者单位】: 河南大学《史学月刊》编辑部;


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