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发布时间:2018-04-10 03:23

  本文选题:高校 切入点:世界史教学 出处:《科教导刊(下旬)》2015年12期

[Abstract]:The teaching of world history in colleges and universities is an important means and component of college students' understanding of the world.The teaching of world history in colleges and universities can cultivate the international and strategic vision of contemporary college students, cultivate the patriotic sentiment of college students, and make students establish a complete view of history and reality.The teaching of world history in colleges and universities should be based on the present world, with the Chinese teaching of world history as the core, the nationalization of the teaching of world history as the core, the frontier as the focal point and the characteristics, and walk out a distinctive teaching path of world history in colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古大学满洲里学院俄罗斯研究中心;


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