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发布时间:2018-04-19 07:40

  本文选题:唐太宗 + 亲征之役 ; 参考:《通化师范学院学报》2015年09期

[Abstract]:Tang Zhenguan in nineteen years of 645, Taizong relatives to recruit Koguryo, captured a large number of Koguryo people and soldiers.After the war, the Tang Dynasty moved the captured Koguryo people inland.On the specific number of immigrants, there are different views of the academic community.Through climbing and combing related historical data, it is believed that the records of 180000 soldiers captured and surrendered by Tang army and 67000 soldiers who have surrendered to Koguryo in the military service of the Tang Dynasty are truthful and reliable. In Ban Shi's edict, "every family gets 60,000 families and every mouth has 80,000" is true and reliable.After the war, the Tang Dynasty moved all the captured Koguryo people inland, conservatively estimated at about 240000.
【作者单位】: 荥阳市文化广播电视新闻出版局;


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