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发布时间:2018-04-23 04:02

  本文选题:拜占廷 + 君士坦丁堡战役 ; 参考:《史学月刊》2015年01期

[Abstract]:The Battle of Constantinople in 1453, as one of the most important events in world history, has always been of great concern to scholars, but many historical materials have blamed Giovanni of Genoa, who commanded the defense of the city, for the failure of the battle. Although the records left by the witnesses are different, there is little difference on this point, and there is no difference between the later researchers. In fact, as the leader of the Genoa mercenaries, Giovanni was unable to withstand the fierce attack of hundreds of thousands of Turkish troops at the end of the battle, and the defeat was not his fault, but the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire. By the end of the Empire, Byzantine troops had given up the responsibility of defending the land, and mercenaries had become the main force in the Byzantine and internal wars, and the military responsibility for the defeat of the last battle should be borne by the last emperor Constantine and his dynasty.
【作者单位】: 南开大学历史学院;


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