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发布时间:2018-05-11 01:05

  本文选题:森巴战争 + 拉达克 ; 参考:《文史天地》2016年10期

[Abstract]:In mainstream history books, the Opium War is often regarded as the starting point of China's modern history. However, it is seldom recorded that, almost at the same time as the Opium War, there was a war in the border areas of China aimed at invading the western border of China and the subordinate state of Radak. This is the Senba War, the first war against foreign aggression in modern Tibet. " The fundamental cause of foreign aggression is the change of external geographical environment, and the change of the southwest frontier force before and after the Opium War is the main reason of the Senba War. As early as the 17th century, the colonial master
【作者单位】: 西藏大学;


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3 陆水林;1840年~1841年西藏与森巴在阿里地区之战原委[J];中国边疆史地研究;1993年04期

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