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发布时间:2018-05-12 20:58

  本文选题:《劝学篇》 + 福泽谕吉 ; 参考:《世纪》2015年03期

[Abstract]:FukuzawaYukichi and Zhang Zhidong, one is a Japanese civilian intellectual, the other is a very important official of the Qing Dynasty. In the latter part of the 19th century, both of them wrote the same book, "Dissuasion". If you read the title of the book alone, you will be able to recognize it as highly utilitarian. That being the case, some questions arise naturally, such as: who is the one who "exhorts"? " What do you learn? Why "learn"? FukuzawaYukichi claims that his persuasion, "originally written for the purpose of providing readers and primary school textbooks," was said to have been read by one in 160 Japanese people at the time. The first edition of Zhang Zhidong's "persuasion" only printed three hundred copies and sent it to Beijing, except for the emperor.


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1 任光敏;近代中日两《劝学篇》之比较研究[J];四川师范大学学报(社会科学版);1999年03期

2 唐柳春;;从两部《劝学篇》试分析福泽谕吉与张之洞的差异及原因[J];安徽文学(下半月);2009年03期

3 吴默闻;;学以致用 学以兴国——从《劝学篇》一书看福泽谕吉的学习思想[J];学习月刊;2011年08期

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