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发布时间:2018-05-31 11:21

  本文选题:选举活动 + 选举制度 ; 参考:《世界文化》2016年12期

[Abstract]:The election activities of mankind have existed in ancient times, and the electoral system has gradually formed in most countries in modern times. But throughout the history of human election, with the appearance of election activities, all kinds of election farce, all kinds of election scandal also came into being. Bribery election in the history of human election can be described as "a long history." In the pre-election propaganda competition in ancient Rome, there was no conclusion as to which means were legal and which were illegal, so it was very important for candidates to do the work of voters in advance. At that time, each candidate had to go to the residential area personally to lobby voters to vote for themselves, and these candidates were often led by a large number of supporters.


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2 ;备忘MEMO[J];文化月刊;2002年13期

3 ;[J];;年期

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