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发布时间:2018-05-31 14:09

  本文选题:平津存银 + 天津英租界 ; 参考:《抗日战争研究》2016年02期

[Abstract]:From the Japanese occupation of Pingjin to the Pacific War, Japan has been trying to seize and deposit thousands of banks in Peijin. Around Pingjin silver issue, China, Japan and Britain launched a struggle. The Japanese army occupied Pingjin and set up a joint reserve bank, forcibly using a portion of Pingjin depository bank as the present bank of the joint reserve bank, and taking the opportunity to blockade the British concession in Tianjin, oppressing the British side to hold negotiations in Tokyo, and trying to seize the depository bank. In the early stage, under the auspices of Kong Xiangxi, the Chinese side adopted a fiscal point of view in its negotiations with the British side. In the latter stage, Jiang Jieshi intervened and led the handling of the Ping-jin Bank, and took a tough stance on the British representations under the consideration of the overall diplomatic and political situation. The problem of storing silver in Pingjin is intended to intensify the contradiction between Britain and Japan. Although China has lost some money in depositing silver in Peiping, Tianjin and Japan, China has strategically aimed at preventing the Japan-British alliance. After the outbreak of the European War, the Sino-British and Japanese-Japanese relations began to enter the Chinese side. Or, to be exact, the orbit envisioned by Jiang Jieshi.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院近代史研究所;


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2 洪前兵;;2012-2014年抗日战争史研究述评[J];中共银川市委党校学报;2015年04期


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2 张玮;天津事件:战时中英日三角关系个案研究[J];山西师大学报(社会科学版);2001年04期




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