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发布时间:2018-06-05 19:34

  本文选题:11—17世纪 + 西欧城市 ; 参考:《贵州师范大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】: 11—17世纪是西欧社会的一个转折时期。经过城市兴起和文艺复兴,西欧社会在各个方面都发生了显著的变化。在城市获得自治权后,市民开始享有参政、经商、婚姻和教育的自主权。文艺复兴思潮席卷城市后进一步引发了人们思想观念上的转变。 这一时期城市中专制政权的弱化、商品经济的出现、社会观念的演变以及对文化知识的重视,为城市妇女活跃于历史舞台提供了许多机会。无论是在政治领域、经济领域、家庭领域还是文化领域,她们都享有一定的权利,其社会地位总体来说比以前有所提高。相比于此前的西欧妇女,这个时期西欧城市中的妇女有更多机会参与政治和经济生活,在家庭中占有一席之地,更为可贵的是她们的文化素质也得到了提高。 本文由前言、正文、结语三大部分组成。前言主要涉及了国内外的研究动态并阐发了本文的学术价值和现实意义。正文分三章:第一章主要论述了11世纪前西欧妇女的概况。笔者从政治、经济、家庭以及教育地位入手,运用比较的方法论证了该时期的妇女地位。在第二章中,笔者论证了西欧城市妇女在以上各个方面呈现的新趋向,以彰显11—17世纪城市妇女地位的提高趋势。在第三章中,笔者尝试从十字军东征、骑士的爱情观、城市意识形态、文艺复兴思潮以及宗教改革这几方面来分析城市妇女地位提高的原因。在结语部分,笔者就当时的社会形势做了一个简单介绍,就西欧城市妇女在11—17世纪的总体地位进行了评述。
[Abstract]:The 11-17 th century was a turning point in Western Europe. After the rise of cities and the Renaissance, Western European society has undergone remarkable changes in all aspects. After the city gained autonomy, citizens began to enjoy autonomy in politics, business, marriage and education. After the Renaissance trend of thought swept through the city, it caused a further change in people's ideas. In this period, the weakening of autocratic regime, the emergence of commodity economy, the evolution of social concept and the importance of cultural knowledge provided many opportunities for urban women to be active on the stage of history. Whether in the political, economic, family or cultural fields, they all enjoy certain rights and their social status is generally higher than before. Women in the cities of Western Europe have more opportunities to participate in political and economic life, have a place in the family, and their cultural quality has also been improved. This paper consists of three parts: preface, text and conclusion. The preface mainly involves the domestic and foreign research trends and explains the academic value and practical significance of this paper. The text is divided into three chapters: the first chapter mainly discusses the survey of women in Western Europe before the 11 th century. Starting with politics, economy, family and educational status, the author demonstrates the status of women in this period by comparative method. In the second chapter, the author demonstrates the new trend of urban women in western Europe in the above aspects, in order to highlight the status of urban women in the 11-17 century. In the third chapter, the author tries to analyze the reasons for the advancement of urban women from the Crusades, chivalry's view of love, urban ideology, Renaissance ideological trend and religious reform. In the conclusion part, the author makes a brief introduction on the social situation at that time, and comments on the overall status of urban women in western Europe in the 11-17 th century.


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1 乔丹;论11—17世纪西欧城市妇女的社会地位[D];贵州师范大学;2006年




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