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发布时间:2018-06-06 14:40

  本文选题:亚历山大二世 + 年改革 ; 参考:《外国问题研究》2016年04期

[Abstract]:The background in which Alexander II initiated the peasant reform was not the economic crisis of serfdom and peasant riots, but the ideological crisis of serfdom and the political crisis after the Crimean War. The ideas, institutions and tactics of reform inherited the policy of the Russian government on peasant issues in the first half of the 19th century. Alexander II played the role of moderator and balancer in the reform. Against the wishes of the aristocrats, he made them the initiators of the reform and maintained the balance between nobility and imperial power. In the matter of land and redemption, he demanded a balance between the interests of the landlords and the peasants. In the political struggle over reform, on the one hand, he maintained the authority of the supreme will, on the other hand, his personal position was ambiguous, leading to the struggle between reformists and conservatives turning into a struggle for the support of the czar.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学东北亚研究院;


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