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发布时间:2018-06-11 20:20

  本文选题:全球化视野 + 当代问题 ; 参考:《走向世界》2015年35期

[Abstract]:The 22nd International Conference on the Science of History has designed a number of interesting topics, one of which is "China in a Global Perspective", which sounds like a discussion of contemporary issues, but also of history. Since the Middle Ages began, the exchanges between China and European and Asian countries have come to my impression that there are 12 articles in my mind. It seems that there is no discussion of contemporary issues. We are still looking back at history. After modern times, the way of communication has come to me. The thinking of communication is beginning to change, so we should discuss China in the view of globalization from the historical point of view.


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1 姜桂石;全球化视野下的亚洲现代化[J];史学理论研究;2005年02期




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