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发布时间:2018-06-17 17:34

  本文选题:不列颠空战 + 纳粹德国 ; 参考:《文史博览》2015年05期

[Abstract]:At the beginning of World War II, Hitler's iron chariot crushed small European nations to pieces. The French Republic, known as a strong European republic, was defeated by Hitler's powerful offensive and had to raise the white flag of surrender in the Gombinia forest. Hitler did not stop the war because of his capture of the European continent. He extended his claws to Great Britain again. In July 1940, Hitler assembled more than 200 fighter planes, bombers, launched the "Great Britain Air War," a large number of German troops gathered.


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1 ;不列颠空战[J];环球军事;2010年12期

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1 何宗金;技术革命与战术创新的冷思考[N];解放军报;2004年




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