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印度支那 在 世界历史 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-12-12 12:21













    On French Colonial Policies towards Indochina (1887-1940)



    Franklin Roosevelt's Decolonization Thinking and Indochina Trusteeship Plan



    The Evolvement of the French Policy to Indochina and the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relation between China and France (1949-1964)



    Study on Eisenhower Administration's Indochina Policy



    The Characteristics and Influence of French Colonial Regime in Indochina





    The first part, this chapter reviews that after the campaign of Dian Bien Phu in 1954, in order to form the ring of encirclement of China, America replaced France and filled in the power vacuum of Indo-China.

    第一部分 主要回顾了1954年奠边府战役后,艾森豪威尔政府为形成对中国的包围圈,取代法国填补了印度支那的权力真空,对老挝内政的干预以及所采取的双重遏制政策。



    On French Colonial Policies towards Indochina (1887-1940)



    Franklin Roosevelt's Decolonization Thinking and Indochina Trusteeship Plan



    The Evolvement of the French Policy to Indochina and the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relation between China and France (1949-1964)



    Study on Eisenhower Administration's Indochina Policy



    The Characteristics and Influence of French Colonial Regime in Indochina





    With the Cold War breaking out,the Truman administration took Vietnam as a part of its global strategy.



    The victory of CPC in China in 1949 and the outbreak of the hot war in Korea in June 1950 led the Truman administration to extend to East Asia the containment policy already applied in Europe, US began to supply direct economic and military aid to France for the war in Vietnam.



    After World WarⅡ, Vietnam experienced two Indo-Chinese wars.



    Recently, most abroad and domestic researchers focus on the political or economic side of the relationship between these two countries. As a result, the research on the Vietnam schools aided by Guangxi has not been involved.



    In 1920s and 1930s from the founding of the Comintern to the outburst of World War Ⅱ, the Soviet Union helped the Far Eastern countries with the training of young cadres, including cadres from the Indo-Chinese regions.

    在共产国际成立到第二次世界大战爆发的 2 0~ 30年代 ,苏联为远东各国培训了数百名青年干部 ,其中包括法属印度支那地区的干部。






Contributions to the fauna and systematics of Stenopelmatoidea (Orthoptera) of Indochina and some other territories: VII


Seasonal transition of summer rainy season over indochina and adjacent monsoon region


The mean onset and withdrawal of summer rainy season over the Indochina Peninsula were investigated using 5-day averaged rainfall data (1975-87).


The mean seasonal transition process during onset and retreat phases in Indochina, India and the South China Sea is also examined using 5-day mean OLR (1975-87) and 850 hPa wind (1980-88) data.


It was found that the onset of summer rainy season begins earlier in the inland region of Indochina (Thailand) in late April to early May than in the coastal region along the Bay of Bengal.




Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.


Therefore, a drought may be caused in the Indo-China peninsula and in the South China.


The earlier onset of the SCS monsoon is the result of enduring atmospheric heating in the Indo-China Peninsula and South China areas.


The atmospheric heating firstly appears in the Indo-China Peninsula area and the sensible heat is the major one.


It can be also seen from the spatial distribution of correlation coefficient that the worse simulation areas of the model are located in the Tibetan Plateau and the adjacent northwest Indo-China Peninsula.



Indo China is a focus area in the post war international affairs.In 1978,an invasion to Kampuchea by Vietnam made the internal situation in Kampuchea more complicated.During the long period of peace settlement,the international community including China,Frace,the ASEAN and Australia have played an active,constructive and conciliatory role.In particular,the United Nations has been mainly responsible for organizating and conducting the general election in Kampuchea.This Paper is to analyse how Australia has used...

Indo China is a focus area in the post war international affairs.In 1978,an invasion to Kampuchea by Vietnam made the internal situation in Kampuchea more complicated.During the long period of peace settlement,the international community including China,Frace,the ASEAN and Australia have played an active,constructive and conciliatory role.In particular,the United Nations has been mainly responsible for organizating and conducting the general election in Kampuchea.This Paper is to analyse how Australia has used its diplomatic resources,measures,the sole ability and superiority of conciliation enjoyed as a relatively neutral power,to propel the Kampuchean peace process,with the international community.

印度支那是战后国际关系的一个焦点地区。1 978年越南对柬埔寨的入侵使柬国内政治局势更加扑朔迷离。在柬埔寨漫长的和平进程中 ,包括中国、法国、东盟、澳大利亚在内的国际社会发挥了积极的建设性的协调作用。联合国组织更是责无旁贷地组织并主导了柬埔寨大选。本文要探讨的是作为一个中等实力的国家——澳大利亚 ,如何利用自己的外交资源、影响以及一个相对中立的国家所享有的独特的外交协调能力及优势 ,与国际社会一道推动柬埔寨和平进程。

On March 9, 1945, Japanese garrison in Indochina launched a coup d'etat. After that, a-bout fifty hundred French garrison in Vietnam withdrew into China, and after the war they re-entered Vietnam. This paper analyzes the process of negotiation between French army and Kuomintang Government in this event. It is thought that the dualism of Kuomintang Government's policy on Vietnam was the crucial factor that restricted the date of the French army's re-entry into northern Vietnam.


In 1920s and 1930s from the founding of the Comintern to the outburst of World War Ⅱ, the Soviet Union helped the Far Eastern countries with the training of young cadres, including cadres from the Indo-Chinese regions. No doubt, the Soviet aids came out of the Comintern's idea of setting up world-wide proletarian dictatorship and Lenin's strategy of starting the world revolution. But the aids, in effect, provided Vietnam, Kampuchea and Laos with a lot of well-qualified personnel in their revolutionary movements....

In 1920s and 1930s from the founding of the Comintern to the outburst of World War Ⅱ, the Soviet Union helped the Far Eastern countries with the training of young cadres, including cadres from the Indo-Chinese regions. No doubt, the Soviet aids came out of the Comintern's idea of setting up world-wide proletarian dictatorship and Lenin's strategy of starting the world revolution. But the aids, in effect, provided Vietnam, Kampuchea and Laos with a lot of well-qualified personnel in their revolutionary movements. The practice of training ethnic minority cadres by the Soviet Union, from which lessons could be drawn in the training of ethnic minority cadres by the third word countries. The bilateral relations between the Soviet Union and the Indo-Chinese regions developed from the training of cadres; The Soviet-Vietnan party relationship entered into a new stage of historical development since then.

在共产国际成立到第二次世界大战爆发的 2 0~ 30年代 ,苏联为远东各国培训了数百名青年干部 ,其中包括法属印度支那地区的干部。这固然出于第三国际建立无产阶级专政和列宁发动世界革命的战略需要 ,但客观上为越南、柬埔寨和老挝等国人民的革命运动输送了一批优秀的人才。苏联初期对远东各国及本国亚洲地区世居民族干部的培训实践是成功的 ,这对第三世界各国培养少数民族的干部有一定的借鉴作用。印度支那地区与苏联的双边关系也正是从培训干部开始发展的 ,越苏两党关系从这一时期起进入了新阶段。


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