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发布时间:2018-10-26 14:16
[Abstract]:In a traditional society like Hawaii, why and how modernity occurs is an interesting historical question. Based on historical facts, this paper attempts to analyze the problem of modernity in Hawaiian society from the perspectives of economy, concept, social culture, politics, religion, etc. More than 30 years before 1819, It was the time when the Kingdom of Hawaii gave birth to great changes in society. Under the strong impact of foreign capital forces, Hawaiian society has quietly changed: the economic development of the foreign trade as the center of the commodity economy, social concepts, culture and customs to the Western values of the performance of the turn, In politics, the feudal autocratic monarchy with the modern characteristics of Europe was created, and the consciousness of state and sovereignty with certain modern characteristics was born, and modernity was initially bred. Traditional religions and taboo systems still fundamentally regulate and imprison all aspects of the social structure, and structural changes in Hawaiian society are imminent.
【作者单位】: 中国青年政治学院文化基础部;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“文明入侵与夏威夷近代社会转型研究,1778-1854”(13YJA770031) 中国青年政治学院学术创新支持计划“卡梅哈梅哈一世时代的夏威夷社会变迁研究”(189070821)


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