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发布时间:2018-11-15 06:29
[Abstract]:In the 19th century, due to the demand of the commercial development and political stability of the Dutch East Indian colonies, the Dutch colonists strengthened the Chipidan system among the ethnic Chinese in the East Indies and developed it into a bureaucratic system. The Chinese Jiabidan system began to be implemented in West Java (Badawi). Due to the dual management system of the local colonial bureaucracy and the native kingdom system, the responsibilities of the Chinese Jiabidan system in East Java, Central Java and Java Kingdom are different. The Chinese Jia Bing Dan system has played a great role in expanding the Chinese family business in Java, and has provided the opportunity for the Chinese to integrate into the colonial society.
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学国际合作处;印度尼西亚驻华大使馆教育处;


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