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发布时间:2018-12-16 00:50
[Abstract]:As a relative category, poverty has its own characteristics in different countries, different cultures and different historical stages in accordance with the social and historical background. Poverty measures include absolute poverty, relative poverty and subjective poverty. From the perspective of absolute poverty, the life of Soviet residents in the 1940s and 1960s was at a fairly low level, which to some extent was determined by the external environment of the Soviet Union at that time. The state has focused all its efforts on accelerating modernization to counter external threats, ignoring improvements in living standards. From the subjective point of view, because of the implementation of the Soviet Union's ideological propaganda and mobilization plan, the Soviet people reached a consensus on the basis of the concept of "temporary difficulties", "hostile environment" and full trust in the supreme regime. The habit of poverty makes people take for granted the low standard of living. This duality is one of the contradictions of Soviet populace consciousness. But after the 1960s, the situation changed and challenged the Soviet regime, Soviet ideology and Soviet society.
【作者单位】: 俄罗斯科学院俄罗斯历史研究所;吉林大学东北亚研究院;


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