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发布时间:2018-12-26 06:56
[Abstract]:Exotic infectious diseases are one of the important parameters in the change of population relationship in early North America. First, they led to two extremes of India-White relations. On the one hand, with the loss of indigenous traditional political authority, the younger and more radical leaders of the tribe began to reconsider the India-Belarus relationship, and their hostility towards whites was growing. On the other hand, with the intensification of the attack of disease and the advance of colonialism, the political and economic dependence of indigenous groups increased, and many Indian tribes began to cling to white settlements. Secondly, the spread and prevalence of the disease upset the original balance of power among the Indian groups, some aboriginal groups weakened or even perished, and some indigenous groups took advantage of the opportunity to rise. Finally, the spread and prevalence of foreign infectious diseases also became an important factor restricting the political and military relations between Indians and whites, and then affected the colonial struggle and political and military changes in the North American continent.
【作者单位】: 南开大学;
【基金】:国家社科基金一般项目“传染性疾病与美国早期社会研究”(14BSS016) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“传染性疾病与美国早期社会”(NKZXA1409)


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